
Revenue Foundations Package

Funnel, customer, and revenue data you can trust

Know Your Numbers

See if you’re on track, ahead, or behind plan

Take Action

Improve funnel conversion and grow revenue

Move Faster

Show your investors and team what’s possible
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What You Get

Revenue Foundations enables you to measure SaaS revenue, take the highest leverage actions, and rally your team and investors around your growth story. 

1. Current State Audit

We evaluate your current revenue stack and reporting, determine what’s working, and identify where you can improve. Without the right tools, approach, and data, startups struggle to find repeatable, profitable, growth. This audit provides a prioritized roadmap to adopt these foundations.

2. Measurement Plan

We create your Revenue Foundations blueprint. Without this, you'll have data you don’t trust and struggle to measure your funnel, customers and revenue. The Measurement Plan gives your team the shared understanding they need to iterate and grow customers and revenue faster.

3. Tool Integration

We integrate the tools and data you need to track your SaaS revenue. Hubspot does not do so out of the box and muddling through will break your data and reporting. We handle this holistically, integrating Hubspot, Stripe, and other tools, so you have data you can trust.

4. Revenue Reporting

We build acquisition, retention, and recurring revenue reporting. Without a consistent way to know where you stand, you can’t grow your business or show progress to investors. We equip you from day one with the reporting every SaaS startup needs.

5. Training

We train you to use Revenue Reporting and provide a playbook to systematically draw insights, take action, and grow. Insights without a regular process to take action and learn won’t make a difference. We help you embed them in your regular workflow and provide documentation so you can be self-sufficient.

6. Ongoing Support

We give you 6 months of support, with weekly check-ins in the first month and monthly check-ins after. Teams struggle to adopt new tools or see full benefit if they face problems early. Your success is our first priority and this support is devoted to that.
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Start Being Proactive

With Revenue Foundations and the skills to use it, you can stop being reactive and start growing your revenue instead.

Try Revenue Foundations

See it in action! Learn how you can better know and grow your revenue. 
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Get a Revenue Audit

Not ready for a full project? Let’s review your tools, data and processes. 
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